Standard Terms and Conditions — Onega Ltd - Vita Iter Est

Standard Terms and Conditions

We like to keep everything friendly and straightforward, but equally as a company Onega Ltd has established a set of standard Terms and Conditions to which we work. Please review and we are happy to discuss or clarify any items upon which you have any specific questions.

Our Current Standard Terms and Conditions:

Onega Ltd Terms and Conditions Effective February 2024

Our Previous Standard Terms and Conditions:

Document Effective June 2016

Document Effective July 2004


Some services have specific terms and conditions attached to them which may supersede our core terms and conditions.

Please therefore see the relevant Key Terms / Gold Sheet documents for specific services.



 Thanks to Defence Images via Flickr for sharing the header photo of HMS Protector at the top of this page. What does this Christmas dinner picture have to do with Terms and Conditions? Probably not too much bar that the South Pole might represent challenging conditions at times. Either way we liked the photo.

Have you noticed that we sometimes digress from the original subject? Especially on our blog? in Good Onega Tradition of digression thus we thought we should share this photo which also amused us and is slightly more appropriate to the theme of the subject.

This photo was snapped by Clare Winkinson and kindly shared, from a seaside seafood stall: