For efficiently logging tickets, we have an ITIL compliant helpdesk helpdesk system which clients can access at:
By using the helpdesk to issue ticket numbers against tasks, we can better record, manage and report on what we do. When a ticket is updated, automatic emails are generated so that relevant parties are kept informed and up to date.
For anything urgent please do call us on +44 (0)207 536 6350 Option 2 and you'll get through to our engineers directly. We answer 98%+ of our calls within 12 seconds, so we will not keep you waiting.
To he helpdesk phone line also works out of hours and forwards to the duty engineer of the day. We asked Tobi to explain how this works:
NB: No ponies were harmed in the making of this strip.
Expect to see a future strip involving Tobi sitting on Ben to exact revenge for the above.
Our office is physically manned from approx. 8am UK time to 6-8pm (or depending on when the work is done). During the day the phone system rings the phone of the next engineer in the queue (don't worry queue just means rotation rather than waiting here at Onega). Out of hours or if one or more of us are working remotely then the phone system will forward to our mobiles and hunt until an engineer answers. We and we’re all equipped with laptops so have the ability to work from home or anywhere else equally well to being in the office.
The out of hours rota is set monthly and each evening our duty engineer forwards their phone so that any out of hours calls will connect. In reality a number of us may well be signed in to provide cover and minimise risk of a call not being connected. We do ask that if you call outside your contractual core support hours that it be for something important. Normally this is common sense but if for example your Outlook is playing up at 4am, but webmail is working, then please do use that to send the urgent mail - we'll (us ) be in a better place to fix things jointly first thing in the morning.
The above referenced pony is actually part of our standard procedure to ensure that handover happens from the previous evening's engineer passes duty to the next person on the duty rosta!