Let us know it is on its way...

Please fill in this form to let us know that something is en route to Onega. This way we can look out for it and be sure that we know what is coming from whom. Please only send us what we need and make sure that items are: 1) packed to survive a courier trip; 2) identified as yours;  3) tracked with a signature; 4) insured, if required, for an appropriate value if over the courier's standard compensation limit.

When we receive a parcel, we'll check it and confirm that we have it and everything is present as you've described and in the condition you've described it. If a computer is sent to us for repair, we'll fix it and then send it back to you with the same inventory of what you sent us. Filling in the form accurately is thus good for everyone and reduces the risks of mistakes occurring. Top tip is to photograph items as you pack them, so that if there is damage in transit, you can demonstrate that everything was in good order when the item left you.

It is rare that problems happen, but having things clear and documented in the first place helps reduce risks and ensures that things go smoothly.



Details for Couriers:

Please give couriers our address, contact and 'how to find us' information from: http://www.onega.net/contact