Interest in the field of computing

This is something that we have at Onega, and a pre-requisite for staff (as noted in our Jobs section). But what is this and how do we demonstrate this?

There is so much to learn in IT. The field changes quickly and part of any serious role in IT is keeping up with this. To understand the future though it is necessary to also understand and have and appreciation of the past.

Some questions that we might ask to gauge interest in IT include:

1) If we asked you 'How do you use your RaspberryPi? ' - would you answer:
A) What is a Raspberry Pi?
B) I've heard of them.
C) This is what I've done XXXXX , and this is what I'm planning next XXXX etc.

2) What CPU is in your own computer?
A) Dunno
B) An Intel i3
C) An Intel i5 4690 Haswell series CPU with 6Mb Cache, Quad Core, 3.5-3.9Ghz clock and integrated HD Graphics 4600 for 4K support.

You'd not need a degree in Human Cognitive Response to conclude that he or she who answers C is likely to be the person who would likely best fit on the Onega Team.

If you are interested in learning about computers and Computer Science, we can recommend that the syllabus of the Cambridge Exam Board's Computer Science A-Level . This covers a lot of interesting and relevant matter and forms a good foundation in some of the fundamentals of computing which are relevant to understanding and expansion today. Knowing the difference between for example Harvard and Von Neumann architectures is not just of historic significance, but also to choosing an appropriate platform for client solutions in the real world in the emerging space of IOT etc.

Header Image & Photo Credit is a pic from EMF 2014 By Ben Fitzgerald